REST Resource: organizations.apiproducts

Resource: ApiProduct

JSON representation
  "name": string,
  "displayName": string,
  "approvalType": string,
  "attributes": [
      object (Attribute)
  "description": string,
  "apiResources": [
  "environments": [
  "proxies": [
  "quota": string,
  "quotaInterval": string,
  "quotaTimeUnit": string,
  "scopes": [
  "createdAt": string,
  "lastModifiedAt": string,
  "operationGroup": {
    object (OperationGroup)
  "graphqlOperationGroup": {
    object (GraphQLOperationGroup)
  "grpcOperationGroup": {
    object (GrpcOperationGroup)
  "quotaCounterScope": enum (QuotaCounterScope)


Internal name of the API product. Characters you can use in the name are restricted to: A-Z0-9._\-$ %.

Note: The internal name cannot be edited when updating the API product.



Name displayed in the UI or developer portal to developers registering for API access.



Flag that specifies how API keys are approved to access the APIs defined by the API product.

If set to manual, the consumer key is generated and returned in "pending" state. In this case, the API keys won't work until they have been explicitly approved.

If set to auto, the consumer key is generated and returned in "approved" state and can be used immediately.

Note: Typically, auto is used to provide access to free or trial API products that provide limited quota or capabilities.


object (Attribute)

Array of attributes that may be used to extend the default API product profile with customer-specific metadata. You can specify a maximum of 18 attributes.

Use this property to specify the access level of the API product as either public, private, or internal.

Only products marked public are available to developers in the Apigee developer portal. For example, you can set a product to internal while it is in development and then change access to public when it is ready to release on the portal.

API products marked as private do not appear on the portal, but can be accessed by external developers.



Description of the API product. Include key information about the API product that is not captured by other fields.



Comma-separated list of API resources to be bundled in the API product.

By default, the resource paths are mapped from the proxy.pathsuffix variable.

The proxy path suffix is defined as the URI fragment following the ProxyEndpoint base path. For example, if the apiResources element is defined to be /forecastrss and the base path defined for the API proxy is /weather, then only requests to /weather/forecastrss are permitted by the API product.

You can select a specific path, or you can select all subpaths with the following wildcard:

  • /**: Indicates that all sub-URIs are included.
  • /* : Indicates that only URIs one level down are included.

By default, / supports the same resources as /** as well as the base path defined by the API proxy.

For example, if the base path of the API proxy is /v1/weatherapikey, then the API product supports requests to /v1/weatherapikey and to any sub-URIs, such as /v1/weatherapikey/forecastrss, /v1/weatherapikey/region/CA, and so on. For more information, see Managing API products.



Comma-separated list of environment names to which the API product is bound. Requests to environments that are not listed are rejected.

By specifying one or more environments, you can bind the resources listed in the API product to a specific environment, preventing developers from accessing those resources through API proxies deployed in another environment.

This setting is used, for example, to prevent resources associated with API proxies in prod from being accessed by API proxies deployed in test.



Comma-separated list of API proxy names to which this API product is bound. By specifying API proxies, you can associate resources in the API product with specific API proxies, preventing developers from accessing those resources through other API proxies.

Apigee rejects requests to API proxies that are not listed.

Note: The API proxy names must already exist in the specified environment as they will be validated upon creation.



Number of request messages permitted per app by this API product for the specified quotaInterval and quotaTimeUnit.

For example, a quota of 50, for a quotaInterval of 12 and a quotaTimeUnit of hours means 50 requests are allowed every 12 hours.



Time interval over which the number of request messages is calculated.



Time unit defined for the quotaInterval. Valid values include minute, hour, day, or month.



Comma-separated list of OAuth scopes that are validated at runtime. Apigee validates that the scopes in any access token presented match the scopes defined in the OAuth policy associated with the API product.


string (int64 format)

Response only. Creation time of this environment as milliseconds since epoch.


string (int64 format)

Response only. Modified time of this environment as milliseconds since epoch.


object (OperationGroup)

Configuration used to group Apigee proxies or remote services with resources, method types, and quotas. The resource refers to the resource URI (excluding the base path). With this grouping, the API product creator is able to fine-tune and give precise control over which REST methods have access to specific resources and how many calls can be made (using the quota setting).

Note: The apiResources setting cannot be specified for both the API product and operation group; otherwise the call will fail.


object (GraphQLOperationGroup)

Configuration used to group Apigee proxies or remote services with graphQL operation name, graphQL operation type and quotas. This grouping allows us to precisely set quota for a particular combination of graphQL name and operation type for a particular proxy request. If graphQL name is not set, this would imply quota will be applied on all graphQL requests matching the operation type.


object (GrpcOperationGroup)

Optional. Configuration used to group Apigee proxies with gRPC services and method names. This grouping allows us to set quota for a particular proxy with the gRPC service name and method. If a method name is not set, this implies quota and authorization are applied to all gRPC methods implemented by that proxy for that particular gRPC service.


enum (QuotaCounterScope)

Scope of the quota decides how the quota counter gets applied and evaluate for quota violation. If the Scope is set as PROXY, then all the operations defined for the APIproduct that are associated with the same proxy will share the same quota counter set at the APIproduct level, making it a global counter at a proxy level. If the Scope is set as OPERATION, then each operations get the counter set at the API product dedicated, making it a local counter. Note that, the QuotaCounterScope applies only when an operation does not have dedicated quota set for itself.


List of operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.

JSON representation
  "operationConfigs": [
      object (OperationConfig)
  "operationConfigType": string

object (OperationConfig)

Required. List of operation configurations for either Apigee API proxies or other remote services that are associated with this API product.



Flag that specifes whether the configuration is for Apigee API proxy or a remote service. Valid values include proxy or remoteservice. Defaults to proxy. Set to proxy when Apigee API proxies are associated with the API product. Set to remoteservice when non-Apigee proxies like Istio-Envoy are associated with the API product.


Binds the resources in an API proxy or remote service with the allowed REST methods and associated quota enforcement.

JSON representation
  "apiSource": string,
  "operations": [
      object (Operation)
  "quota": {
    object (Quota)
  "attributes": [
      object (Attribute)


Required. Name of the API proxy or remote service with which the resources, methods, and quota are associated.


object (Operation)

List of resource/method pairs for the API proxy or remote service to which quota will applied.

Note: Currently, you can specify only a single resource/method pair. The call will fail if more than one resource/method pair is provided.


object (Quota)

Quota parameters to be enforced for the resources, methods, and API source combination. If none are specified, quota enforcement will not be done.


object (Attribute)

Custom attributes associated with the operation.


Represents the pairing of REST resource path and the actions (verbs) allowed on the resource path.

JSON representation
  "resource": string,
  "methods": [


Required. REST resource path associated with the API proxy or remote service.



methods refers to the REST verbs as in When none specified, all verb types are allowed.


Quota contains the essential parameters needed that can be applied on the resources, methods, API source combination associated with this API product. While Quota is optional, setting it prevents requests from exceeding the provisioned parameters.

JSON representation
  "limit": string,
  "interval": string,
  "timeUnit": string


Required. Upper limit allowed for the time interval and time unit specified. Requests exceeding this limit will be rejected.



Required. Time interval over which the number of request messages is calculated.



Time unit defined for the interval. Valid values include minute, hour, day, or month. If limit and interval are valid, the default value is hour; otherwise, the default is null.


List of graphQL operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies or remote services. Remote services are non-Apigee proxies, such as Istio-Envoy.

JSON representation
  "operationConfigs": [
      object (GraphQLOperationConfig)
  "operationConfigType": string

object (GraphQLOperationConfig)

Required. List of operation configurations for either Apigee API proxies or other remote services that are associated with this API product.



Flag that specifies whether the configuration is for Apigee API proxy or a remote service. Valid values include proxy or remoteservice. Defaults to proxy. Set to proxy when Apigee API proxies are associated with the API product. Set to remoteservice when non-Apigee proxies like Istio-Envoy are associated with the API product.


Binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the GraphQL operation and its associated quota enforcement.

JSON representation
  "apiSource": string,
  "operations": [
      object (GraphQLOperation)
  "quota": {
    object (Quota)
  "attributes": [
      object (Attribute)


Required. Name of the API proxy endpoint or remote service with which the GraphQL operation and quota are associated.


object (GraphQLOperation)

Required. List of GraphQL name/operation type pairs for the proxy or remote service to which quota will be applied. If only operation types are specified, the quota will be applied to all GraphQL requests irrespective of the GraphQL name.

Note: Currently, you can specify only a single GraphQLOperation. Specifying more than one will cause the operation to fail.


object (Quota)

Quota parameters to be enforced for the resources, methods, and API source combination. If none are specified, quota enforcement will not be done.


object (Attribute)

Custom attributes associated with the operation.


Represents the pairing of GraphQL operation types and the GraphQL operation name.

JSON representation
  "operationTypes": [
  "operation": string


Required. GraphQL operation types. Valid values include query or mutation.

Note: Apigee does not currently support subscription types.



GraphQL operation name. The name and operation type will be used to apply quotas. If no name is specified, the quota will be applied to all GraphQL operations irrespective of their operation names in the payload.


List of gRPC operation configuration details associated with Apigee API proxies.

JSON representation
  "operationConfigs": [
      object (GrpcOperationConfig)

object (GrpcOperationConfig)

Required. List of operation configurations for either Apigee API proxies that are associated with this API product.


Binds the resources in a proxy or remote service with the gRPC operation and its associated quota enforcement.

JSON representation
  "apiSource": string,
  "methods": [
  "quota": {
    object (Quota)
  "attributes": [
      object (Attribute)
  "service": string


Required. Name of the API proxy with which the gRPC operation and quota are associated.



List of unqualified gRPC method names for the proxy to which quota will be applied. If this field is empty, the Quota will apply to all operations on the gRPC service defined on the proxy.

Example: Given a proxy that is configured to serve com.petstore.PetService, the methods com.petstore.PetService.ListPets and com.petstore.PetService.GetPet would be specified here as simply ["ListPets", "GetPet"].


object (Quota)

Quota parameters to be enforced for the methods and API source combination. If none are specified, quota enforcement will not be done.


object (Attribute)

Custom attributes associated with the operation.



Required. gRPC Service name associated to be associated with the API proxy, on which quota rules can be applied upon.


QuotaCounterScope lists the possible scopes for the application of quota counters.

QUOTA_COUNTER_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED When quota is not explicitly defined for each operation(REST/GraphQL), the limits set at product level will be used as a local counter for quota evaluation by all the operations, independent of proxy association.
PROXY When quota is not explicitly defined for each operation(REST/GraphQL), set at product level will be used as a global counter for quota evaluation by all the operations associated with a particular proxy.
OPERATION When quota is not explicitly defined for each operation(REST/GraphQL), the limits set at product level will be used as a local counter for quota evaluation by all the operations, independent of proxy association. This behavior mimics the same as QUOTA_COUNTER_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED.



Updates or creates API product attributes.


Creates an API product in an organization.


Deletes an API product from an organization.


Gets configuration details for an API product.


Lists all API product names for an organization.


Updates an existing API product.