Control access for a job using a custom service account

This document explains how to specify a Batch job's service account, which influences the resources and applications that a job's VMs can access. If you don't specify a custom service account, jobs default to using the Compute Engine default service account, which is automatically attached to all VMs in a project by default. Therefore, using a custom service account provides greater control in managing a job's permissions and is a recommended best practice for limiting privilege.

Learn more about a job's service account.

Before you begin

Create a job that uses a custom service account

To create a job that uses a custom service account, select one of the following methods:

  • Specify the custom service account in your job's definition, as shown in this section.
  • Use a Compute Engine instance template and specify the custom service account both in your instance template and in your job's definition.

This section provides an example for how to create a job that uses a custom service account. You can create a job that uses a custom service account using the gcloud CLI or Batch API.


To create a job that uses a custom service account using the gcloud CLI, use the gcloud batch jobs submit command and specify the custom service account in the job's configuration file.

For example, to create a script job that uses a custom service account:

  1. Create a JSON file in the current directory named hello-world-service-account.json with the following contents:

        "taskGroups": [
                "taskSpec": {
                    "runnables": [
                            "script": {
                                "text": "echo Hello World! This is task $BATCH_TASK_INDEX."
        "allocationPolicy": {
            "serviceAccount": {
                "email": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"

    where SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL is the email address of your service account. If the serviceAccount field is not specified, the value is set to the default Compute Engine service account.

  2. Run the following command:

    gcloud batch jobs submit example-service-account-job \
      --location us-central1 \
      --config hello-world-service-account.json


To create a job that uses a custom service account using the Batch API, use the jobs.create method and specify your custom service account in the allocationPolicy field.

For example, to create a script job that uses a custom service account, make the following request:


    "taskGroups": [
            "taskSpec": {
                "runnables": [
                        "script": {
                            "text": "echo Hello World! This is task $BATCH_TASK_INDEX."
    "allocationPolicy": {
        "serviceAccount": {
            "email": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"

Replace the following:

What's next