Managing conflicts with multiple Config Connector resources

This page describes how Config Connector handles conflicts. Conflicts can happen when the same resource is managed by multiple resources.

Config Connector manages or acquires resources by mapping the combination of Kubernetes resource name, container annotation, and if applicable, region or location. In the simplest case, you organize your resources with Google Cloud projects.

Google Cloud supports additional levels of hierarchy beyond projects: folders, projects, and organizations. You can map resources to your folders, projects, and organizations with an annotation. When you create a resource without an annotation using Config Connector, the resource is created in the project that shares the resource's namespace.

It is possible, but not recommended, to create two Config Connector resources in different namespaces that manage the same Google Cloud resource. Config Connector only manages the corresponding Google Cloud resource if it is able to obtain a lease on the Google Cloud resource and conflict prevention is enabled.

Leases are namespace-scoped. To obtain a namespace-scoped lease, Config Connector adds two labels to the resource:

  1. cnrm-lease-holder-id: Config Controller generates a unique ID for each namespace that manages a resource with conflict prevention enabled. This unique ID is what's used to set cnrm-lease-holder-id. To see the mapping of the namespace to the cnrm-lease-holder-id value, you can look at the namespace-id ConfigMap in the cnrm-system namespace.
  2. cnrm-lease-expiration: An expiration time in Unix epoch time.

Config Connector is able to update these values if any of the following is true:

  • The value of cnrm-lease-holder-id matches the namespace's globally unique ID.
  • The value of cnrm-lease-holder-id is empty or non-existent.
  • The value of cnrm-lease-expiration is in the past.

When a Config Connector instance obtains a lease on a resource, the expiration time is set to 40 minutes in the future. The same instance of Config Connector retains management as long as the resource is in the namespace. Config Connector extends the expiration time by 40 minutes when less than 20 minutes remain.

If Config Connector is unable to obtain a lease on a given resource, the output of kubectl describe on the resource lists a Status of ManagementConflict.

Modifying conflict prevention

You can control conflict prevention by adding the annotation to the resource with one of the following values:

  • resource: management conflicts are prevented at the resource level by saving the appropriate lease labels into the resource as described in the preceding section.
  • none: management conflicts are not prevented.

The default value is none.

In the following example, a manifest for the default ComputeNetwork uses a management policy of none, which means that conflicts are not prevented:

kind: ComputeNetwork
 annotations: "none" "PROJECT-ID" "abandon"
 name: default
 description: Default network for the project


Conflict prevention has the following limitations:

  • Conflict prevention does not work for resources that don't support labels. Even if you change the value from none to resource, it still doesn't work.

  • If you are Managing resources with the resourceID field you can create multiple resources with the same Google Cloud resource name, created under the same namespace. These resources create conflicts that Config Connector cannot manage.