MS Dynamics

The MS Dynamics CRM connector package is available at MS Dynamics Zip.

The connector is installed to MS Dynamics and allows agents to take calls and chats in a Dynamics dashboard. This page describes the process of installing the connector

Create a new application registration in Azure

  1. In Azure, go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations > New application registration.

  2. In the Name field, enter the URL of your CCAI Platform environment. For example:

  3. In the Supported account types section, select Accounts in the Organizational Directory Only.

  4. Click Register.

Azure authentication setup

  1. Go to Authentication and enter your callback URL in the Redirect URI field. For example:

  2. Enable the checkbox for ID tokens.

  3. Go to Certificates & secrets to create a new key in the Add a client secret panel. In the Description field, enter a description such as API KEY. In the Expires section, select either Never or the longest available time period.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Go to Manage > API permissions.

  6. Click Add a permission.

  7. Select Dynamics CRM.

  8. Select Delegated permissions.

  9. Check the box for user_permission.

CCAI Platform authentication setup

  1. In the CCAI Platform Portal, go to Settings > Developer Settings.

  2. Scroll to CRM > Agent Platform.

  3. Select MS Dynamics and enter the following values:

    • Active Directory Application ID: Application Client ID (MS Dynamics).

    • Set Active Directory Application Key Password: The key you created in MS Dynamics.

    • Active Directory tenant: Enter the URL of your company subdomain.

    • Dynamics domain: Enter the URL of your CCAI Platform environment. This appears as the Display Name in MS Dynamics.

Install the CCAI Platform connector

The following steps are completed in the Power Apps interface.


  • Admin user with privileges to import connectors in Solutions Management.

  • Access to the connector file.

  • Access to the Power Apps user interface.

  • A sufficient time window for agent adapter downtime (~10 minutes).

Update the connector in Solutions Management

  1. In MS Dynamics, use the top right cogwheel to navigate to Advanced Settings.

  2. Click the carrot next to Settings and select Solutions from the drop down menu.

  3. You should be able to see the connector in the Solutions Management List.

Import the connector

  1. In the Power Apps header, click the Import link. This will bring up a side panel called Add a Solution.

  2. In the side panel, click Browse to select the connector to be imported.

  3. Click Import. The details of the connector to be imported should now appear. If the details appear correctly, proceed to the next step. If not, check to make sure that you have selected the correct file.

  4. Click Next and follow the steps to finish importing. Installation typically takes 5-10 minutes and the connector won't be stable during this time.

  5. When installation is finished, refresh the agent page.

Add domain-based access control for the Agent Adapter

Domain-based access control ensures security while also allowing you to define and control which domains can display the agent adapter. If no domains are specified, access is granted to all domains.

  1. In the CCAI Platform Portal, go to Developer Settings > Agent Adapter - Domain Based Access Control.

  2. Enter each domain on a new line. Format is *.domain, for example *

  3. Enter the domain * This domain is required for use with the MS Dynamics CRM. If you don't include this domain, the Agent Adapter will immediately break.

Domain format

Domain format (*.domain) can be any valid domain name, and it can include a wildcard (*) to match an arbitrary number of subdomains. The wildcard must be placed at the beginning of the domain.

You also have the option to specify a protocol and a port using the syntax <protocol>://<domain>:<port>. The port can be a wildcard, but the protocol cannot be a wildcard. If a protocol is specified, it will match to only that protocol and no other protocols will be able to display the Agent Adapter. For example, won't match to or mail://

Reload Frame on the Agent Adapter

After you install the connector and make configuration changes, the Agent Adapter might not be visible to agents. To access it, agents must right click over the Agent Adapter and select the Reload Frame operation.

Custom field mapping

This section uses a field named MyCustomField as a walkthrough example for adding and mapping a custom field.

  1. (Optional) Create a new custom field in a solution component:

    1. Go to Sales > Settings > Solutions.
    2. At the top of the All Solutions page, click New.
    3. Enter TestCustomFields as the Display Name.
    4. Click Save and Close.
  2. Select your existing solution component and go to Components > Entities > Add Existing.

  3. Select the Contact solution component.

  4. Click OK to view the Contact solution component details. The solution component System Form dialog opens.

  5. Select the entity assets you want to include in the solution: Include entity metadata or Add All Assets.

  6. Click Finish.

  7. Go to Components > Entities > Contact > Fields.

  8. Click New. A new field name populates in the Name field. Copy the field name for later use:

  9. Click Save and Close.

Edit form to display the custom field

  1. Open a contact and click Form.

  2. Open the Field Explorer and filter by Custom Fields.

  3. Click Save, then click Publish to add the new field to the form.

  4. Refresh the browser, then confirm the MyCustomField is in the form.

  5. Enter the identified value in the MyCustomField field.

  6. Click Save.

Populate the Account and Customer fields in a custom case form

Enabling this feature allows the Contact field on the case object and the Customer field with the account associated with the Contact (if there is one) to be updated simultaneously.

  1. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > CRM > Account Lookup.

  2. Under Object Type, select Contact.

  3. Check the box labeled Custom Parameter Matching.

  4. A table with the fields Contact Field Key and Case Field Key will appear, along with options to add, edit or delete as required. Switching between object types clears the table unless the fields are saved. Only correctly configured parameters will update.

Test user segment Direct Access Points (DAP)

For information about DAPs, see Queue and menu setup.

  1. In the CCAI Platform Portal, go to Settings > Queue and choose your preferred channel.

  2. In the Settings panel, go to Access point and click the edit icon beside the access point you want to update.

  3. In the CRM Custom User Segment Field, enter the name of the field in the CRM that contains the user segment information (such as new_mycustomfield).

  4. Click Update.