Troubleshoot Dataproc error messages

This page lists Dataproc error messages, and their common causes and solutions.

For additional guidance, see

Cluster creation error messages

  • Operation timed out: Only 0 out of 2 minimum required datanodes/node managers running.

    Cause: The master node is unable to create the cluster because it cannot communicate with worker nodes.


  • Required 'compute.subnetworks.use' permission for 'projects/{projectId}/regions/{region}/subnetworks/{subnetwork}

    Cause: This error can occur when you attempt to setup a Dataproc cluster using a VPC network in another project and the Dataproc Service Agent service account does not have the necessary permissions on the shared VPC project that is hosting the network.

    Solution: Follow the steps listed in Create a cluster that uses a VPC network in another project.

  • The zone 'projects/zones/{zone}' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request '(resource type:compute)'

    Cause: The zone being used to create the cluster does not have sufficient resources.


  • Quota Exceeded errors

    Insufficient CPUS/CPUS_ALL_REGIONS quota
    Insufficient 'DISKS_TOTAL_GB' quota
    Insufficient 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' quota

    Cause: Your CPU, disk, or IP address request exceeds your available quota.

    Solution: Request additional quota from the Google Cloud console.

  • Initialization action failed

    Cause: The initialization action provided during cluster creation failed to install.


  • Failed to initialize node {cluster-name}: {component}

    Cause: A Dataproc component failed to initialize.

    Solution: Refer to:

  • Cluster creation failed: IP address space exhausted

    Cause: IP address space needed to provision the requested cluster nodes is unavailable.


    • Create a cluster on a different subnetwork or network.
    • Reduce usage on the network to free IP address space.
    • Wait until sufficient IP space becomes available on the network.
  • Initialization script error message: The repository REPO_NAME no longer has a Release file

    Cause: The Debian oldstable backports repository was purged.


    Add the following code before the code that runs apt-get in your initialization script.

    oldstable=$(curl -s | awk '/^Codename/ {print $2}');
    stable=$(curl -s | awk '/^Codename/ {print $2}');
    matched_files="$(grep -rsil '\-backports' /etc/apt/sources.list*)"
    if [[ -n "$matched_files" ]]; then
      for filename in "$matched_files"; do
        grep -e "$oldstable-backports" -e "$stable-backports" "$filename" || \
          sed -i -e 's/^.*-backports.*$//' "$filename"
  • Network is unreachable:*

    Cause: The Dataproc cluster VPC network might not have a required route to the internet. The Dataproc agent running on cluster VMs needs a route to the internet to access the Dataproc control API to get jobs and report status. The system-generated default route to the internet might have been deleted.


    Add a route to the internet to your cluster VPC network: for IPv4 and ::/0 for IPv6 with --next-hop-gateway=default-internet-gateway. Add firewall rules for access control.