Additional Product Requirements

Requirements are listed that are specific to all applications developed with Google Knowledge Graph Search API. This API is also subject to the Google Cloud Terms of Service and Google Cloud Service Specific Terms.

Fetching, caching, or storage of content

Applications using the Google Knowledge Graph Search API are bound by the terms of your Agreement with Google. Subject to the terms of your Agreement, you must follow the conditions and data license requirements returned by the API per attribute.

For example, when querying Stanford University, the detailedDescription is attached with the data license. Follow the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA 3.0) requirements from the provider.

  "license": ""

For the name field, check if there is a license attached to the field from additionalProperty. In the following example, the name field comes from the Google Places API. Follow the license and data restrictions outlined in Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

  "additionalProperty": {
   "@type": "PropertyValue",
   "name": "nameLicense",
   "value": ""

For Cloud KG MID and other attributes that don't have an attached license, you can cache and store the returned data. However, treat the Cloud KG MID as the primary identifier, because company names and descriptions might change over time. Querying the Google Knowledge Graph Search API in real time can help confirm that you are using the most recent updates.

Displaying Google Knowledge Graph Search API results

You can display Google Knowledge Graph Search API results on your application, subject to the license requirements returned in the API.

Attribution requirements

You don't have to make an attribution unless the license associated with the data points specifically requires that you do so.