Apache Kafka for BigQuery overview

Apache Kafka for BigQuery is a Google Cloud service that helps you run Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka for BigQuery lets you focus on building event-driven systems and streaming data pipeline, rather than managing the infrastructure.

For more information about Apache Kafka, see the Apache Kafka website.

Why choose Apache Kafka for BigQuery?

Apache Kafka for BigQuery helps run a secure, highly available Apache Kafka cluster on Google Cloud. You can migrate existing Kafka applications to Google Cloud as well as develop new ones. Apache Kafka for BigQuery offers the following features:

  • Runs open source Apache Kafka compatible with your existing deployments.

  • Automates cluster management, scaling, upgrades, and maintenance, reducing operational overhead and letting you focus on your applications.

  • Integrates with other Google Cloud services, such as Cloud Monitoring, BigQuery, Dataflow, and Cloud Logging to simplify data pipelines.

  • Manages multiple clusters using a centralized management API.

  • Simplifies cluster scaling by requiring you to only specify total cluster vCPU count and RAM volume. Storage and broker sizing are managed automatically.

  • Sets up secure cross-project and cross-VPC connections to clusters.

Without Apache Kafka for BigQuery, you'd need to manage all these aspects manually, using environments such as Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE), which requires significant time and expertise. Apache Kafka for BigQuery simplifies the process, letting you focus on your core applications.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery architecture

The Apache Kafka for BigQuery service helps set up and run an Apache Kafka cluster on the Google Cloud platform. This section discusses some important terms associated with Apache Kafka for BigQuery.

An Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster is a managed set of brokers that is useful for implementing queues and publish-subscribe messaging.

A broker is the core server responsible for handling message streams and client interactions.

A message can represent any serializable data. Examples of messages include a database record, a system log entry, or an application event.

A topic is a named collection of messages that are divided among partitions.

Each partition is an ordered log of a subset of those messages. Messages in a partition are immutable. Newer messages are appended to the topic partition as they are published.

Producers are applications that create messages and send these messages to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

Consumers are applications that read those messages.

A consumer group is a way to organize multiple consumer application instances to read messages from a topic. It ensures each message is processed only once within the group by assigning partitions to specific consumers and tracking their progress. When consumer instances join or leave, the group rebalances, redistributing partition assignments to maintain efficient and reliable message consumption.

The following image is an architectural representation of how messages flow in the Apache Kafka for BigQuery service. In this example, a single producer application publishes messages 1 and 2 to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. Decoupled from the producer application, two consumer applications consume these messages from the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

Message flow for Apache Kafka for BigQuery.

Figure 1. Message flow for Apache Kafka for BigQuery

A producer application is typically a part of a larger application, such as a web frontend, that emits its log activity to Apache Kafka for BigQuery. It can also be an independent service that retrieves data from one system and sends it to Apache Kafka for BigQuery. This is a common arrangement in change data capture from databases.

Consumer applications can receive these messages with low latency, as they are published. Examples of consumer applications include streaming data pipelines that send application log data to BigQuery or a data lake. These applications can also take action on the data, rather than just storing it. Multiple consumer applications can read the same messages from the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. This relieves the producer application of the responsibility of managing individual integrations with the consumer applications.

Each consumer application receives the same set of messages in the same order. You can add new consumer applications and shut down existing ones without any coordination with the producer application.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery features

Apache Kafka for BigQuery provides instances of open source Apache Kafka. Generally, you would expect it to work as any other Kafka installation. However, Apache Kafka for BigQuery handles several aspects of the cluster for you including scaling and storage and you don't have the ability to alter these broker-level configurations. This section discuss some important Apache Kafka for BigQuery features.

Scaling and provisioning model

The performance and rate at which an Apache Kafka cluster can process messages is determined by the number of virtual machines and the size of each machine. A broker typically maps to a single virtual machine. The virtual machine size is determined by the number of vCPUs, the amount of RAM it has, and the type and size of disks attached to the machine.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery simplifies this model, exposing only a notion of the number of vCPUs and amount of RAM needed for the entire cluster. Apache Kafka for BigQuery automatically determines the broker shape for you. You only must specify the total vCPU count and RAM size across all the brokers. Storage and machine size are configured automatically.

The open source Apache Kafka cluster requires you to provision and scale the number of brokers for the cluster. Additionally, you are also required to manage the vCPU, RAM and storage size for each individual broker.

However, as a user of Apache Kafka for BigQuery, your main focus is on monitoring the cluster's overall vCPU and RAM usage. Simply adjust these resources as needed for optimal performance. Apache Kafka for BigQuery manages the disk size for brokers.

The system automatically handles broker creation and management. In most cases, you don't need to worry about individual broker sizes.

One exception is when downscaling large clusters. Always ensure each broker in every zone retains at least one vCPU. When you increase vCPUs, existing brokers are scaled up accordingly. To know more about the number of brokers in your cluster, run the open source kafka-metadata-shell.sh command.

Each broker has a maximum limit of 15 vCPUs. After this limit is reached, a new broker is automatically created.

Uneven load distribution across partitions can overload individual brokers. If this happens, rebalance partitions within Apache Kafka for BigQuery or adjust how your producers assign keys for a more balanced distribution.

For more information about how to rebalance a cluster, see Edit a cluster.

Replication and availability

Apache Kafka for BigQuery supports only high availability configurations. Each cluster is distributed across three availability zones in a region and can withstand a failure of a single zone. By default, all topics are configured to have three replicas. You can, however, override the configuration for specific topics to have fewer replicas.

You cannot choose specific zones where brokers are located.

Networking and tenant projects

When you create an Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster, it's not directly deployed in your project. Instead, Google Cloud automatically creates a dedicated tenant project. This tenant project hosts all the clusters that you create within your project. A tenant project offers isolation and security for your cluster resources from other users' cluster resources. Each tenant project has its own set of permissions and access controls.

To access the Apache Kafka for BigQuery, you must specify one or more Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks in projects within your organization. These VPC networks can be in the same project as the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster, or a different project. Apache Kafka for BigQuery automatically creates Private Service Connect (PSC) endpoints within your VPC networks that connect to the Kafka brokers running within the tenant project. These endpoints have local IP addresses within your VPC network, making it appear as if the Kafka brokers are running within your network.

The following image shows three projects, project 0, project 1t, and project 2, each with its own VPC and subnet.

Tenant project for
Apache Kafka for BigQuery
Figure 3. Isolated tenant project for Apache Kafka for BigQuery

Project 0 is the project that you own or create, where you specify the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. In the backend, the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster is actually created in a tenant project 1t. The VPC network in project 2 can connect to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. Additionally, the image shows how producers and consumers connect to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster through their respective endpoints.

For more information, see the following:

Administrative APIs and other Google Cloud interfaces

You can manage Apache Kafka for BigQuery clusters using Apache Kafka APIs and tools or Google Cloud interfaces. Some tasks can be accomplished with only one or the other set of interfaces and some tools or interfaces are more convenient for your situation.

Manage your cluster using Apache Kafka for BigQuery APIs. After the cluster is up and running, you can use all the standard open source Apache Kafka APIs and tools. Apache Kafka for BigQuery APIs also provide some additional management features.

For example, you can use the bin/kafka-topics.sh command line tool to create topics in the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. You can, however, choose to do the same with the Google Cloud CLI, Google Cloud console, or a Terraform configuration.

To use the Apache Kafka CLI, ensure that the machine where the CLI client runs has access to the VPC network that is granted access to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster. One way to configure this is to set up a bastion host. Bastion hosts provide an external facing point of entry into a network containing private network instances. Another method is to run the clients on a virtual machine within the same project and VPC network that is granted access to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

In addition to the standard Apache Kafka tools, Apache Kafka for BigQuery service also offers Apache Kafka for BigQuery APIs for managing topics and consumer groups within a cluster. These APIs come with clients that include the Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI, and client libraries that support multiple languages, including Terraform. The advantage of using these APIs is that they provide a secure access model that is consistent with all other Apache Kafka for BigQuery resources.

Not all Apache Kafka features are available through Apache Kafka for BigQuery APIs. An example is the ability to create authorization rules specific to a single topic. The Apache Kafka for BigQuery APIs authorization works only at the cluster level.

The following figure shows how different tools and APIs, both from open source and Apache Kafka for BigQuery are used to configure an Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

Tools and APIs for
configuring Apache Kafka for BigQuery
Figure 4. Tools and APIs for configuring Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster

As shown in the figure, gcloud CLI, the Google Cloud console, the REST APIs and the client libraries all use the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API at the backend to configure an Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

Authentication and authorization

You can use the open source Apache Kafka APIs or the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API for resource management within Apache Kafka for BigQuery clusters. Both APIs have different requirements for authentication and authorization.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery API

Calls made through the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API are authorized just as any other Google Cloud API request. If you use the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API to manage the cluster, then you are using IAM permissions.

For more information on how to use the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API, see Authenticate to the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API.

The following image shows how the Apache Kafka for BigQuery API lets applications interact with an Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster by using Google Cloud tools and APIs.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery API with IAM
Figure 5. Apache Kafka for BigQuery API with IAM

Open source Apache Kafka API

Applications that directly communicate with the Apache Kafka for BigQuery brokers using open source Apache Kafka APIs must communicate over TLS using the credentials of a user-managed service account that has the role roles/managedkafka.client on the cluster. At the start of each client-broker TCP connection, Kafka brokers running in Apache Kafka for BigQuery rely on IAM to authenticate and authorize the client connection.

For more information about these TCP connections, see the documentation about the Kafka Wire protocol.

For an Apache Kafka for BigQuery client that uses an Apache Kafka API, follow the instructions in Authentication to the Apache Kafka API.

Version and upgrades

Apache Kafka for BigQuery clusters run on a version of Apache Kafka that is typically within six months of the latest release. The service automatically upgrades the Apache Kafka servers running on the cluster, ensuring you benefit from the latest features and security improvements.

Cluster configuration

Apache Kafka for BigQuery always runs in KRaft mode, as Apache Kafka is migrating away from Apache ZooKeeper. The KRaft configuration is managed completely by Apache Kafka for BigQuery and is an implementation detail that does not affect how you interact with the Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery clusters are designed for high availability. Each cluster consists of at least 3 brokers. If a topic is created with the default replication factor of 3, each topic partition has a leader and 2 followers, to ensure fault tolerance. If the leader fails, one of the followers automatically takes over, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operation.

Apache Kafka for BigQuery also utilizes tiered storage, a cost-effective approach that combines local storage on the brokers with long-term storage in Google Cloud. Generally, the leader for any given partition is responsible for writing the data to long-term storage. However, any broker can read data from long-term storage. This approach introduces a slightly higher latency for reading older data compared to local-only storage. However, tiered storage also offers significant cost savings and scalability advantages.

The following image shows an Apache Kafka for BigQuery cluster with a leader broker and two follower brokers.

Tiered storage for
Apache Kafka for BigQuery
Figure 6. Apache Kafka for BigQuery read and write operations from storage

This mechanism lets Apache Kafka for BigQuery support virtually unlimited topic storage volume.


  • Apache Kafka for BigQuery requires each cluster to have equal resources in each of the three zones. Single-zone or two-zone Apache Kafka for BigQuery clusters are not supported.

  • You cannot choose the zones when you create the cluster.

  • You cannot configure the volume of local storage on a cluster.

  • Apache Kafka for BigQuery runs in the KRaft mode. Zookeeper mode is not supported.

What's next?

Apache Kafka® is a registered trademark of The Apache Software Foundation or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.