Troubleshooting StratoProbe installation

This page shows you how to resolve issues with the initial installation of StratoProbe.

Database installation

In some cases, the PostgreSQL database installation might fail due to security software installed on the machine. Some customers reported installation issues with programs such as CyberArk, bit9 (aka Carbon Black), and McAfee.

To solve the problem, verify that PostgreSQL 12 is not installed on your machine from the Add/Remove Programs window. Then, you can try to install PostgreSQL in interactive mode by following these steps.

  1. Open a command prompt in administrator mode.
  2. Navigate to the StratoProbe installation folder (typically C:"Program Files"\StratoProbe).
  3. Run the postgreSQLsetupmanual.bat script to launch the PostgreSQL installation.
  4. Follow the steps on the screen, and leave all the default settings provided.
  5. After the PostgreSQL installation, verify that the following services are installed in Windows Services.
    1. StratoZone DataCollector
    2. StratoZone DataTransmitter
    3. StratoZone PostgreSQL

If the installation still fails, contact [email protected] and provide the following information.

  • If you run security software on your machine, include the details in the request.
  • The error message for the installation. You can typically find it in the AppData > Local > Temp folder.