Apple privacy details

Google is committed to helping our customers create iOS 14 apps for end users. You might have read Apple's announcement regarding the App Store's new requirement for iOS 14 app developers to provide App Privacy Details. You can find information on whether and how our SDK handles end users' data. This data includes any applicable settings and configurations that you can control as the app developer. While we aim to be as transparent as possible in supporting you, we can't speak for you, and you are ultimately responsible for deciding how to respond to Apple's questionnaire and whether to show end users any permissions or prompts described by Apple.

To improve the performance of reCAPTCHA, the SDK might collect certain information from apps, including the following:

  • Non-user related crash logs and performance metrics, which might be used to diagnose problems and improve the SDK.
  • Device identifiers for anti-abuse purposes.
  • Additional diagnostic data.
  • App launches, taps, clicks, scrolling information, or other information about how the user interacts with the app.