Set up Service Usage for a development environment

This page describes how to set up your development environment to use the Service Usage API.

  • For most operational use cases, the simplest way to enable and disable services is to use Google Cloud console.
  • If you need to create scripts, you can use the Google Cloud CLI.
  • If you need to program against the Service Usage API, use one of the client libraries.
  • To experiment with the API, you can follow the alternative setup instructions in this guide and use the curl command to test the API without setting up a full application development environment.

Set up to call the API directly

This section describes the basic steps necessary to set up your local environment to experiment with the Service Usage API using the curl command. It is aimed at developers who need to program against the Service Usage API.

Enable the Service Usage API

To use the Service Usage API, you must first enable it in the Google Cloud project you want to use it for:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud console API Library page.
    Go to the API Library page
  2. Select the Google Cloud project that you want to use to access the service.
  3. On the API Library page, click Enable.
  4. Ensure that your user account has the Service Usage Admin role.

Test with curl

  1. Define a convenient shell alias for calling Google REST APIs:

    alias gcurl='curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'
  2. Set an environment variable PROJECT_ID with the identifier of your project. This can be the project id or number:

  3. Ensure that you are logged into 'gcloud':

    gcloud auth login
  4. List the enabled APIs and services in this project:

    gcurl "${PROJECT_ID}/services?filter=state:ENABLED&fields=services.config.title,"

    If you see output like this, then your setup is successful:

    "services": [
        "config": {
          "name": "",
          "title": "BigQuery API"
        "config": {
          "name": "",
          "title": "BigQuery Storage API"

Next steps

Follow Listing Services to list the APIs and services that are enabled or available in your Google Cloud projects.