ManagedFolder: get

View a managed folder within a bucket.

Required permissions

The authenticated user must have the storage.managedfolders.get IAM permission to use this method.


HTTP request


In addition to standard query parameters, the following parameters apply to this method.

To see an example of how to include query parameters in a request, see the JSON API Overview page.


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
bucket string The parent bucket of the managed folder.
managedFolder string The name of the managed folder, expressed as a path. For example, example-dir. If the managed folder is nested (for example, example-dir1/example-dir2), the / character in the managed folder path must be escaped. For example, example-dir1%2Fexample-dir2.

Request body

Do not supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns a ManagedFolder resource in the response body.