Configure in-memory volume mounts for jobs

This page describes how to configure a dedicated in-memory volume you can use for file reads and writes using Cloud Run volume mounts. Note that this feature differs from the built-in in-memory filesystem provided by Cloud Run.

You can use in-memory volumes to do the following:

  • Limit the size of the in-memory volume. When you limit the size of a volume, writes to a full volume will fail, which is preferable to having Cloud Run terminate instances due to the volume consuming too much memory.
  • Share an in-memory volume between different containers in one Cloud Run instance.


When creating an in-memory volume, we recommend specifying a size limit. If the volume reaches its size limit, further writes will fail with an out of memory error. Your instance can handle this error and keep running.

Note that the size limit is just a limit: it does not allocate additional space for your in-memory volume. Rather, your in-memory volume consumes the memory you configured for your containers. If you deploy multiple containers, the memory used by each write to the volume counts as memory usage for the container that wrote the data.

If you do not specify a size limit, it will be automatically set to half of the total size of all the containers in your job or service. For example, emptyDir volume size = [Memory (Container A) + Memory (Container B) + Memory (Container N)]/2. This default behavior can result in the size limit of the in-memory volume being higher than the memory allocated for some of your containers. In this situation, if your container keeps writing memory to the volume, it will exceed its allocated memory and crash before the volume size limit is reached.

Although setting a size limit is optional, we recommend setting one to protect your containers from running out of memory and crashing.

Volume ownership differs by execution environment and deployment type

When you mount a volume, the identity owning the files and directories differs depending on the workload's execution environment and on whether the deployment consists of one or multiple containers.

In the first generation execution environment where you are deploying a single container, the volume is owned by the identity used for the container. In all other cases, the volume is owned by root. This includes:

  • First generation execution environment where you are deploying multiple containers
  • The second generation environment

Configure an in-memory volume

Any configuration change leads to the creation of a new revision. Subsequent revisions will also automatically get this configuration setting unless you make explicit updates to change it.

After you configure an in-memory volume for your Cloud Run service, an empty volume is created for every Cloud Run instance that is started, and the volume exists as long as that instance is running. When the instance stops running, the data in the volume is permanently deleted.

Command line

  • To add a volume and mount it:

    gcloud beta run jobs update JOB \
    --add-volume=name=VOLUME_NAME,type=in-memory,size-limit=SIZE_LIMIT \


    • JOB with the name of your job.
    • VOLUME_NAME with any name you want for your volume. The VOLUME_NAME value is used to map the volume to the volume mount.
    • MOUNT_PATH with the relative path within the container file system where you want to mount this volume, for example, /cache.
    • SIZE_LIMIT with the memory limit you want to assign to the volume, in MiB or GiB (specified as Mi or Gi), for example, 500Mi. This limit must be less than the total memory specified for your containers.
  • If you are using multiple containers, first specify the volumes, then specify the volume mounts for each container:

    gcloud beta run jobs update JOB \
    --add-volume=name= VOLUME_NAME,type=in-memory,size-limit=SIZE_LIMIT \
    --container=CONTAINER_1 \
    --add-volume-mount=volume= VOLUME_NAME,mount-path=MOUNT_PATH \
    --container==CONTAINER_2 \
    --add-volume-mount=volume= VOLUME_NAME,mount-path=MOUNT_PATH2


  1. If you are creating a new job, skip this step. If you are updating an existing job, download its YAML configuration:

    gcloud run jobs describe JOB_NAME --format export > job.yaml
  2. Configure the volumeMounts and volumes attributes as shown:

    kind: Job
      name: JOB_NAME
     annotations: BETA
          - image: IMAGE_URL
            - mountPath: MOUNT_PATH
              name: VOLUME_NAME
          - name: VOLUME_NAME
              sizeLimit: SIZE_LIMIT
              medium: Memory


    • IMAGE_URL with a reference to the container image, for example, If you use Artifact Registry, the repository REPO_NAME must already be created. The URL has the shape
    • VOLUME_NAME with any name you want for your volume. The VOLUME_NAME value is used to map the volume to the volume mount.
    • MOUNT_PATH with the relative path within the container file system where you want to mount this volume, for example, /cache.
    • SIZE_LIMIT with the memory limit you want to assign to the volume, in MiB or GiB (specified as Mi or Gi), for example, 500Mi. This limit must be less than the total memory specified for your containers.
  3. Replace the service with its new configuration using the following command:

    gcloud beta run jobs replace job.yaml