Migrate configurations to Cloud Run

You must complete the configuration migration process for each Cloud Foundry application you are migrating to Cloud Run. The configuration migration consists of the following:

  • Converting a Cloud Foundry manifest.yaml to a Cloud Run service.yaml.
  • Attaching any backing services to the application for deployment to Cloud Run.
  • Deploying your application to a Cloud Run service.

Convert manifest.yaml to service.yaml

You must convert a Cloud Foundry manifest and/or cf CLI flags into the equivalent Cloud Run service definition YAML.

Cloud Run requires each application to have its own separate service YAML file. To migrate an application in your Cloud Foundry manifest to a service YAML file:

  1. Gather the properties listed in the following table for your application. Properties that are not modified at the application level may have been overridden by global Cloud Foundry platform configurations. Refer to documentation provided by your platform administrators to get the actual values.

    Application Property cf CLI v6 flag(s) Description
    name NAME argument The application's unique name in Cloud Foundry.
    command -c A command that'll be executed in /bin/sh or /bin/bash
    disk_quota -k The amount of disk that'll be assigned to the application.

    Valid units are: M, MB, G , r B

    Likely default: 1G

    docker.image --docker-image, -o The image that contains the application to run.
    health-check-http-endpoint N/A The endpoint used to determine HTTP health if the health check type is HTTP.

    Default: /

    health-check-invocation-timeout N/A Time in seconds between individual port and HTTP based health checks.

    Default: 1

    health-check-type --health-check-type, -u Type of health check to perform on the application. Valid values are: port, http, none, process.

    Default: port

    instances -i Number of instances of the app that Cloud Foundry will run.

    Default: 1

    memory -m The per-instance memory limit for the application.

    Valid units are: M, MB, G , or GB

    Likely default: 1G

    timeout -t Number of seconds allowed between app startup and the first healthy health check.

    Likely default: 60

  2. Gather the following information for your Google Cloud project and Cloud Run setup:

    Property Description
    project_number The project number of the Google Cloud Project you want to deploy to.
    region The region you want to deploy your app to.
    vpc-access-connector The VPC connector name your platform administrator wants applications on.
    vpc-access-egress The VPC egress name your platform administrator wants applications on.
    custom-audiences Custom audiences that can authenticate to your application.
    serviceAccountName The identity your application will act as in Google Cloud.
    image The application image you produced in the previous step.
  3. Populate the following template into a service.yaml file at the root of your project

apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
  # Set this to be the name of your app
  name: "APP_NAME"
  # Set this to be the project number of the project you're deploying to.
  namespace: "PROJECT_NUMBER"
    # Set this to be the region you're deploying in.
    cloud.googleapis.com/location: REGION
    migrated-from: cloud-foundry
    run.googleapis.com/ingress: internal-and-cloud-load-balancing
        # Set to the greater of 1 or the `instances` attribute.
        autoscaling.knative.dev/minScale: '1'
        # Set to the greater of 1 or the `instances` attribute.
        autoscaling.knative.dev/maxScale: '1'
        run.googleapis.com/cpu-throttling: CPU_ALLOCATION
        run.googleapis.com/startup-cpu-boost: 'true'
        # Set to true if you rely on sticky sessions. These will be turned
        # on in Cloud Foundry if the server sends a JSESSIONID cookie back
        # on responses.
        run.googleapis.com/sessionAffinity: 'false'
        run.googleapis.com/execution-environment: gen2
        # Set the following values to match what your platform administrator recommends.
        run.googleapis.com/vpc-access-connector: ADMINISTRATOR_PROVIDED
        run.googleapis.com/vpc-access-egress: ADMINISTRATOR_PROVIDED
        run.googleapis.com/custom-audiences: ADMINISTRATOR_PROVIDED
      # CF doesn't limit, but CR has a max of 1000.
      containerConcurrency: 1000
      # Default value for gorouter in PCF.
      timeoutSeconds: 900
      # Set the following value to match what your platform administrator recommends.
      serviceAccountName: ADMINISTRATOR_PROVIDED
      - name: user-container
        # Set the following value to either:
        # - The image you built for your application in the last section of the guide.
        # - The docker.image attribute of your app's configuration if it's a Docker app.
        image: IMAGE
        # Set `command` based on the following rules:
        # - If your app has no `command` attribute: null.
        # - If your app has a docker.image attribute: ['/bin/sh', '-c']
        # - Otherwise: ['/bin/bash', '-c']
        command: null
        # Set `args` based on the following rules:
        # - If your app has no `command` attribute: null.
        # - If your app has a `command` attribute: ['value of command']
        args: null
          # Set name based on the following rules:
          # - If your app is HTTP/2 or gRPC: "h2c"
          # - Else: "http1"
        - name: HTTP1_OR_H2C
          containerPort: 8080
          # For each key/value pair in your space's running environment variable groups,
          # which can be retried by running `cf running-environment-variable-group`,
          # add the following:
        - name: KEY
          value: VALUE
          # For each key/value pair in your manifest's `env` map, add the following:
        - name: KEY
          value: VALUE
          # Populate MEMORY_LIMIT with the amount of memory supplied to this instance
          # in MiB with 'M' as a suffix.
        - name: MEMORY_LIMIT
          value: '0M'
          # Set the following values in the JSON below:
          # - `application_name` and `name` to match metadata.name in this file.
          # - `application_uris` and `uris` to be the URI you want to assign the app on the
          #    load balancer.
          # - `limits.disk` to be the amount (in MiB) of disk assigned to your app.
          #   The amount will be in the `disk_quota` attribute of the CF manifest, or a
          #   default value for your cluster, typically 1GiB.
          # - `limits.mem` to be the amount (in MiB) of memory assigned to your app.
          #   The amount will be in your `memory` attribute of the CF manifest, or a
          #   default value for your cluster, typically 1GiB.
          # - `space_name` to be the value of metadata.space in this file.
        - name: VCAP_APPLICATION
          value: |-
                    "application_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "application_name": "app-name",
                    "application_uris": [],
                    "limits": {
                      "disk": 1024,
                      "mem": 256
                    "name": "app-name",
                    "process_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "process_type": "web",
                    "space_name": "none",
                    "uris": []
            # Set memory limit to be the sum of the memory and disk assigned to your app in CF.
            # Disk amount will be in the `disk_quota` attribute of the CF manifest, or a
            # default value for your cluster, typically 1GiB.
            # Memory will be in your `memory` attribute of the CF manifest, or a
            # default value for your cluster, typically 1GiB.
            memory: MEMORY_LIMIT
            # Set cpu according to the following calculation:
            # 1. Take the amount of memory in your `memory` attribute of the CF
            #    manifest, or a default value for your cluster, typically 1GiB.
            # 2. Divide that by the total amount of memory on the underlying BOSH VM.
            # 3. Multiply that by the total number of CPUs on the BOSH VM.
            # 4. Find the nearest valid value based on the rules in:
            #    http://cloud.go888ogle.com.fqhub.com/run/docs/configuring/cpu#setting
            cpu: CPU_LIMIT
        # If `health-check-type` is "process" or "none", delete the startupProbe section.
          # If `health-check-type` is "port" or blank, delete the httpGet section.
            # Set to be the value of `health-check-http-endpoint` or / if blank.
            path: CHECK_PATH
            port: 8080
          # If `health-check-type` is "http", delete the tcpSocket section.
            port: 8080
          # Set to the value of `health-check-invocation-timeout` or 1
          timeoutSeconds: 1
          # Set failure threshold to be the following calculation:
          # 1. Take the `timeout` from the CF manifest, use 60 if unset.
          # 2. Divide by 2.
          # 3. Round up to the nearest integer.
          failureThreshold: 1
          successThreshold: 1
          periodSeconds: 2
        # If `health-check-type` is "process" or "none", delete the livenessProbe section.
          # If `health-check-type` is "port" or blank, delete the httpGet section.
            # Set to be the value of `health-check-http-endpoint` or / if blank.
            path: CHECK_PATH
            port: 8080
          # If `health-check-type` is "http", delete the tcpSocket section.
            port: 8080
          # Set to the value of `health-check-invocation-timeout` or 1.
          timeoutSeconds: 1
          failureThreshold: 1
          successThreshold: 1
          periodSeconds: 30
  - percent: 100
    latestRevision: true

Attach any backing services

You must construct a VCAP_SERVICES environment variable to allow for service injection and discovery by your Cloud Foundry application, such as Spring or Steeltoe. You need to do this for each application you are migrating. Refer to the documentation for Cloud Foundry VCAP_SERVICES for more information.

If your application is already running in Cloud Foundry and you want to attach to the same services in Cloud Run, you can use your existing environment variable. Otherwise, you'll need to create a new VCAP_SERVICES.

To configure the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable:

  1. For an existing VCAP_SERVICES:

    1. Try getting the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable by running cf env APP_NAME.
    2. If that doesn't work:
      1. Connect to your application in Cloud Foundry: cf ssh APP_NAME
      2. Run the env command and get the output of VCAP_SERVICES.
      3. Exit the SSH session by running exit.
    3. Save the VCAP_SERVICES value into a new file called vcap.json.
  2. If you want to add services or connect to different services than in Cloud Foundry, create a new VCAP_SERVICES:

    1. In a text editor create an empty JSON map {}
    2. For each service you want to add, do the following:
    3. Refer to the documentation for the library your app uses to parse VCAP_SERVICES for the type you want to add to understand how it discovers the binding.
    4. Add a key to the map with the name of the service provider if one doesn't already exist, this is usually something like mysql, postgresql, or elasticsearch. Set the value to be an empty array:
    5. Add an object to the array with the following properties:

      1. Metadata that isn't usually used to discover/bind services:

        • binding_name, a string representing the resource that grants your application permissions on the service. This could be a username for a database, a firewall rule, a service account name, or something else.
        • instance_name, a string representing the name of the backing service. This could be the name of your database, a random value, or a sentinel value for a global service.
        • name, The binding_name if it exists; otherwise the instance_name. This value isn't usually important.
        • label, The value of the key in the VCAP_SERVICES map this binding is nested under.
        • plan, the name of the service plan. Examples include: "user-provided", "high-availability".
      2. Values that are often used to discover/bind services:

        • tags A list of tags to help libraries find compatible services. This often includes the common name for the service e.g. mysql for MySQL and MariaDB, redis for Redis or Cloud Memorystore, or postgres for Postgres compatible databases.
        • credentials An object containing credentials used by the client library to perform the connection. Most client libraries rely on a uri field that contains the service's standard URI or JDBC format.
    6. Save the contents as vcap.json.

Attach credentials to your Cloud Run resource

To attach credentials:

  1. Create a secret to hold yourVCAP_SERVICES environment variable contents and take note of the version output by the command:

    gcloud secrets create APP_NAME-vcap \
      --replication-policy="automatic" \
  2. Grant your application's service account permission to read the secret:

    gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding APP_NAME-vcap \
      --member="serviceaccount:app-service-account" \
  3. Add the following environment variable to your application service.yaml in the spec.template.spec.containers[0].env array :

    - name: VCAP_SERVICES
          key: Version output by step 1
          name: APP_NAME-vcap

Templates for common backing services

The following sections provide information about commonly used backing services


MySQL libraries usually expect the tag mysql. It is common to include the following keys in credentials:

  • uri template: mysql://username:password@host:port/dbname. The MySQL documentation can help with creating a URI string. The port is usually 3306.
  • username The connection username, required by some libraries even if included in uri
  • password The connection password, required by some libraries even if included in uri


Redis libraries usually expect the tag redis. It's common to include the following keys in credentials:

  • uri Template: redis://:password@host:port/dbunumber.

The IANA Redis URI documentation can help with creating a URI string. The port is usually 6379.


RabbitMQ libraries usually expect the tag rabbitmq and the following keys in credentials:

  • uri Template: amqp://username:password@host:port/vhost?query.

The RabbitMQ documentation can help with creating a URI string. The port is usually 5672.

User provided services

User provided services are a special type of service in Cloud Foundry that allows you to inject any credentials. The label is always user-provided. The tags are the values passed in to cf create-user-provided-service via the -t flag, and the credentials are the contents of the -p flag.

Deploying your application

To deploy the fully migrated Cloud Foundry application to a Cloud Run service:

  1. If you haven't already done so, set up your Cloud Run environment.

  2. Run the command

    gcloud run services replace service.yaml

    Wait a few moments until the deployment is complete. On success, the command line displays the service URL.

  3. Visit your deployed service by opening the service URL in a web browser.

Congratulations! You have just migrated your Cloud Foundry application to Cloud Run