gcloud alpha firebase test ios run

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run - invoke a test in Firebase Test Lab for iOS and view test results
gcloud alpha firebase test ios run [ARGSPEC] [--device=DIMENSION=VALUE,[…]] [--test=XCTEST_ZIP] [--timeout=TIMEOUT] [--type=TYPE] [--xcode-version=XCODE_VERSION] [--xctestrun-file=XCTESTRUN_FILE] [--additional-ipas=IPA,[IPA,…]] [--app=APP] [--async] [--client-details=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--directories-to-pull=[DIR_TO_PULL,…]] [--num-flaky-test-attempts=int] [--other-files=DEVICE_PATH=FILE_PATH,[…]] [--record-video] [--results-bucket=RESULTS_BUCKET] [--results-dir=RESULTS_DIR] [--results-history-name=RESULTS_HISTORY_NAME] [--robo-script=ROBO_SCRIPT] [--scenario-numbers=int,[int,…]] [--test-special-entitlements] [--filter=EXPRESSION] [--limit=LIMIT] [--page-size=PAGE_SIZE] [--sort-by=[FIELD,…]] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) gcloud alpha firebase test ios run invokes and monitors tests in Firebase Test Lab for iOS.

Two types of iOS tests are currently supported:

  • xctest: corresponds to the XCTest and XCUITest frameworks. Other iOS testing frameworks which are built upon XCTest and XCUITest should also work. The XCTEST_ZIP test package is a zip file built using Apple's Xcode and supporting tools. For a detailed description of the process to create your XCTEST_ZIP file, see http://firebase.go888ogle.com.fqhub.com/docs/test-lab/ios/command-line.
  • game-loop: launches the game app through a custom URL scheme to execute a "demo mode" built into the game app that simulates actions of a real player. This test type can include multiple game loops (also called "scenarios") indicated by positive numbers.

The type of test to run can be specified with the --type flag, which defaults to xctest.

All arguments for gcloud alpha firebase test ios run may be specified on the command line and/or within an argument file. Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information about argument files.

To help you identify and locate your test matrix in the Firebase console, run:
gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --client-details=matrixLabel="Example matrix label"

To invoke an XCTest lasting up to five minutes against the default device environment, run:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --timeout=5m

To invoke an XCTest against an iPad 5 running iOS 11.2, run:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --device=model=ipad5,version=11.2

To run your tests against multiple iOS devices simultaneously, specify the --device flag more than once:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --device=model=iphone7 --device=model=ipadmini4,version=11.2 --device=model=iphonese

To run your XCTest using a specific version of Xcode, say 9.4.1, run:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --xcode-version=9.4.1

To help you identify and locate your test matrix in the Firebase console, run:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --test=XCTEST_ZIP --client-details=matrixLabel="Example matrix label"

To run an iOS game loop, specify the --type and --app flags:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --type=game-loop --app=app.ipa

To run an iOS game loop with specific scenario(s), use the --scenario-numbers flag:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --type=game-loop --app=app.ipa --scenario-numbers=1,2,3

To run a test that pushes a local file onto the device before testing, use the --other-files flag:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run --type=game-loop --app=app.ipa --scenario-numbers=1 --other-files=/private/var/mobile/Media/file.txt=/path/to/file.txt

All test arguments for a given test may alternatively be stored in an argument group within a YAML-formatted argument file. The ARG_FILE may contain one or more named argument groups, and argument groups may be combined using the include: attribute (Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information). The ARG_FILE can easily be shared with colleagues or placed under source control to ensure consistent test executions.

To run a test using arguments loaded from an ARG_FILE named excelsior_app_args, which contains an argument group named ios-args:, use the following syntax:

gcloud alpha firebase test ios run path/to/excelsior_app_args:ios-args
An ARG_FILE:ARG_GROUP_NAME pair, where ARG_FILE is the path to a file containing groups of test arguments in yaml format, and ARG_GROUP_NAME is the particular yaml object holding a group of arg:value pairs to use. Run $ gcloud topic arg-files for more information and examples.
A list of DIMENSION=VALUE pairs which specify a target device to test against. This flag may be repeated to specify multiple devices. The device dimensions are: model, version, locale, and orientation. If any dimensions are omitted, they will use a default value. The default value, and all possible values, for each dimension can be found with the list command for that dimension, such as $ gcloud alpha firebase test ios models list. Omitting this flag entirely will run tests against a single device using defaults for every dimension.


--device model=iphone8plus
--device version=11.2
--device model=ipadmini4,version=11.2,locale=zh_CN,orientation=landscape
The path to the test package (a zip file containing the iOS app and XCTest files). The given path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using a URL beginning with gs://. Note: any .xctestrun file in this zip file will be ignored if --xctestrun-file is specified.
The max time this test execution can run before it is cancelled (default: 15m). It does not include any time necessary to prepare and clean up the target device. The maximum possible testing time is 45m on physical devices and 60m on virtual devices. The TIMEOUT units can be h, m, or s. If no unit is given, seconds are assumed. Examples:
  • --timeout 1h is 1 hour
  • --timeout 5m is 5 minutes
  • --timeout 200s is 200 seconds
  • --timeout 100 is 100 seconds
The type of iOS test to run. TYPE must be one of: xctest, game-loop, robo.
The version of Xcode that should be used to run an XCTest. Defaults to the latest Xcode version supported in Firebase Test Lab. This Xcode version must be supported by all iOS versions selected in the test matrix. The list of Xcode versions supported by each version of iOS can be viewed by running $ gcloud alpha firebase test ios versions list.
The path to an .xctestrun file that will override any .xctestrun file contained in the --test package. Because the .xctestrun file contains environment variables along with test methods to run and/or ignore, this can be useful for customizing or sharding test suites. The given path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using a URL beginning with gs://.
List of up to 100 additional IPAs to install, in addition to the one being directly tested. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation.
The path to the application archive (.ipa file) for game-loop testing. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation. This flag is only valid when --type is game-loop or robo.
Invoke a test asynchronously without waiting for test results.
Comma-separated, KEY=VALUE map of additional details to attach to the test matrix. Arbitrary KEY=VALUE pairs may be attached to a test matrix to provide additional context about the tests being run. When consuming the test results, such as in Cloud Functions or a CI system, these details can add additional context such as a link to the corresponding pull request.



To help you identify and locate your test matrix in the Firebase console, use the matrixLabel key.


--client-details=matrixLabel="Example matrix label"
A list of paths that will be copied from the device's storage to the designated results bucket after the test is complete. These must be absolute paths under /private/var/mobile/Media or /Documents of the app under test. If the path is under an app's /Documents, it must be prefixed with the app's bundle id and a colon.


Specifies the number of times a test execution should be reattempted if one or more of its test cases fail for any reason. An execution that initially fails but succeeds on any reattempt is reported as FLAKY.

The maximum number of reruns allowed is 10. (Default: 0, which implies no reruns.) All additional attempts are executed in parallel.

A list of device-path=file-path pairs that specify the paths of the test device and the files you want pushed to the device prior to testing.

Device paths should either be under the Media shared folder (e.g. prefixed with /private/var/mobile/Media) or within the documents directory of the filesystem of an app under test (e.g. /Documents). Device paths to app filesystems should be prefixed by the bundle ID and a colon. Source file paths may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage (gs://…).


--other-files com.my.app:/Documents/file.txt=local/file.txt,/private/var/mobile/Media/file.jpg=gs://bucket/file.jpg
Enable video recording during the test. Enabled by default, use --no-record-video to disable.
The name of a Google Cloud Storage bucket where raw test results will be stored (default: "test-lab-<random-UUID>"). Note that the bucket must be owned by a billing-enabled project, and that using a non-default bucket will result in billing charges for the storage used.
The name of a unique Google Cloud Storage object within the results bucket where raw test results will be stored (default: a timestamp with a random suffix). Caution: if specified, this argument must be unique for each test matrix you create, otherwise results from multiple test matrices will be overwritten or intermingled.
The history name for your test results (an arbitrary string label; default: the bundle ID for the iOS application). All tests which use the same history name will have their results grouped together in the Firebase console in a time-ordered test history list.
The path to a Robo Script JSON file. The path may be in the local filesystem or in Google Cloud Storage using gs:// notation. You can guide the Robo test to perform specific actions by specifying a Robo Script with this argument. Learn more at http://firebase.go888ogle.com.fqhub.com/docs/test-lab/robo-ux-test#scripting. This flag is only valid when --type=robo is also set.
A list of game-loop scenario numbers which will be run as part of the test (default: scenario 1). A maximum of 1024 scenarios may be specified in one test matrix, but the maximum number may also be limited by the overall test --timeout setting. This flag is only valid when --type=game-loop is also set.
Enables testing special app entitlements. Re-signs an app having special entitlements with a new application-identifier. This currently supports testing Push Notifications (aps-environment) entitlement for up to one app in a project.

Note: Because this changes the app's identifier, make sure none of the resources in your zip file contain direct references to the test app's bundle id.

Apply a Boolean filter EXPRESSION to each resource item to be listed. If the expression evaluates True, then that item is listed. For more details and examples of filter expressions, run $ gcloud topic filters. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
Maximum number of resources to list. The default is unlimited. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
Some services group resource list output into pages. This flag specifies the maximum number of resources per page. The default is determined by the service if it supports paging, otherwise it is unlimited (no paging). Paging may be applied before or after --filter and --limit depending on the service.
Comma-separated list of resource field key names to sort by. The default order is ascending. Prefix a field with ``~´´ for descending order on that field. This flag interacts with other flags that are applied in this order: --flatten, --sort-by, --filter, --limit.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:
gcloud firebase test ios run
gcloud beta firebase test ios run