gcloud alpha topic resource-keys

gcloud alpha topic resource-keys - resource keys supplementary help
(ALPHA) A resource is a JSON-serializable object organized as a tree. Each node is a scalar, indexed array, or dictionary. Structs and classes are represented by dictionaries indexed by member name.

Each node is reachable by a unique path of names from the root. A node key is the path names separated by '.'. [number] represents an array index. For example:


The resource keys and data values for any gcloud list command can be printed by running gcloudlist --format=flattened. See the command specific documentation for details on specific resource keys.

This command lists the keys and values for the regions resource:
gcloud compute regions list --format=flattened

and here is sample output for the command:

creationTimestamp: 2013-05-23T07:02:09.522-07:00
description:       us-central1
id:                22115839677829654
kind:              compute#region
name:              us-central1
quotas[0].limit:   24.0
quotas[0].metric:  CPUS
quotas[0].usage:   15.0
quotas[1].limit:   5120.0
quotas[1].metric:  DISKS_TOTAL_GB
quotas[1].usage:   1416.0
quotas[2].limit:   7.0
quotas[2].metric:  STATIC_ADDRESSES
quotas[2].usage:   1.0
quotas[3].limit:   23.0
quotas[3].metric:  IN_USE_ADDRESSES
quotas[3].usage:   16.0
quotas[4].limit:   1024.0
quotas[4].metric:  SSD_TOTAL_GB
quotas[4].usage:   0.0
quotas[5].limit:   1500.0
quotas[5].metric:  LOCAL_SSD_TOTAL_GB
quotas[5].usage:   750.0
selfLink:          http://www.googleapis.com/…/us-central1
status:            UP
zones[0]:          us-central1-a
zones[1]:          us-central1-b
zones[2]:          us-central1-f

The list command produces a resource list. The keys are to the left of ':' and the values are to the right.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:
gcloud topic resource-keys
gcloud beta topic resource-keys