gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision

gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision - provision an Apigee SaaS organization
gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision --authorized-network=AUTHORIZED_NETWORK [--analytics-region=ANALYTICS_REGION] [--async] [--runtime-location=RUNTIME_LOCATION] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Provision an Apigee SaaS organization.

gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision creates an Apigee organization and populates it with the necessary child resources to be immediately useable.

This is a long running operation and could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

At the moment, only trial organizations are supported.

To provision an organization for the active Cloud Platform project, attached to a network named default run:
gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision --authorized-network=default

To provision an organization asynchronously and print only the name of the launched operation, run:

gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision --authorized-network=default --async --format="value(name)"

To provision an organization for the project named my-proj, with analytics and runtimes located in us-central1, run:

gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision --authorized-network=default --project=my-proj --analytics-region=us-central1 --runtime-location=us-central1-a
Name of the network to which the provisioned organization should be attached. This must be a VPC network peered through Service Networking. To get a list of existing networks, run:
gcloud compute networks list

To check whether a network is peered through Service Networking, run:

gcloud services vpc-peerings list --network=NETWORK_NAME --service=servicenetworking.googleapis.com

To create a new network suitable for Apigee provisioning, choose a name for the network and address range, and run:

gcloud compute networks create NETWORK_NAME --bgp-routing-mode=global --description='network for an Apigee trial'
gcloud compute addresses create ADDRESS_RANGE_NAME --global --prefix-length=16 --description="peering range for an Apigee trial" --network=NETWORK_NAME --purpose=vpc_peering
gcloud services vpc-peerings connect --service=servicenetworking.googleapis.com --network=NETWORK_NAME --ranges=ADDRESS_RANGE_NAME
Primary Cloud Platform region for analytics data storage. For valid values, see: http://docs.apigee.com/hybrid/latest/precog-provision.

If unspecified, the default is us-west1

If set, returns immediately and outputs a description of the long running operation that was launched. Else, gcloud alpha apigee organizations provision will block until the organization has been provisioned.

To monitor the operation once it's been launched, run gcloud alpha apigee operations describe OPERATION_NAME.

Cloud Platform location for the runtime instance. For trial organizations, this is a compute zone. To get a list of valid zones, run gcloud compute zones list. If unspecified, the default is us-west1-a.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.