gcloud identity groups search

gcloud identity groups search - searches for Groups matching a specified query
gcloud identity groups search --labels=LABELS (--customer=CUSTOMER     | --organization=ORGANIZATION) [--page-size=PAGE_SIZE] [--page-token=PAGE_TOKEN] [--view=VIEW; default="basic"] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Searches for Groups matching a specified query.
To Search groups:
gcloud identity groups search --organization="5149234212" --labels="cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.discussion_forum" --page-size=3 --page-token="ala9glealanal908"
One or more label entries that apply to the Group. Currently supported labels contain a key with an empty value.

Google Groups are the default type of group and have a label with a key of 'cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.discussion_forum' and an empty value.

Existing Google Groups can have an additional label with a key of 'cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.security' and an empty value added to them. This is an immutable change and the security label cannot be removed once added.

POSIX groups have a label with a key of 'cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.posix'.

Dynamic groups have a label with a key of 'cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.dynamic'.

Identity-mapped groups for Cloud Search have a label with a key of 'system/groups/external' and an empty value.

Examples: {"cloudidentity.googleapis.com/groups.discussion_forum": ""} or {"system/groups/external": ""}.

Exactly one of these must be specified:
The customer ID for the customer's G Suite account. Example of customer: "C01k1e9nw"
The organization ID for the groups being searched.
The maximum number of results to return.

Note that the number of results returned may be less than this value even if there are more available results. To fetch all results, clients must continue calling this method repeatedly until the response no longer contains a nextPageToken.

If unspecified, defaults to 200 'basic' view and to 50 for 'full' view.

Must not be greater than 1000 for 'basic' view or 500 for 'full' view.

The nextPageToken value returned from a previous search request, if any.
--view=VIEW; default="basic"
The level of detail to be returned. There are two possible views: 'basic' and 'full'. If unspecified, default to 'basic'. VIEW must be one of:
Default. Only basic group information is returned.
All group information is returned.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command uses the cloudidentity/v1 API. The full documentation for this API can be found at: http://cloud.go888ogle.com.fqhub.com/identity/
These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha identity groups search
gcloud beta identity groups search